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NativeScript allows you to access any native APIs anytime in your app. If the native API you need is not exposed through @nativescript/core or third party plugins or @nativescript/* plugins), you can add it to your project and access it right away in TypeScript.

  1. Add native code to App_Resources. For example, see Adding Java/Kotlin code to an application and Adding ObjectiveC/Swift Code to an application

  2. Generate types for the added APIs For iOS types run:

ns typings ios

For Android run:

ns typings android --jar <.jar path>
  1. Reference the generated types in references.d.ts

  2. You can now code (strongly typed) against the platform native APIs. For various examples on how to interact with native API's in JavaScript/TypeScript, visit the Subclassing, iOS Marshalling and Android Marshalling pages

Additional Resources