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interface NavigationTransition {
  curve: any;
  duration: number;
  instance: Transition;
  name: string;
Represents an object specifying a page navigation transition.




curve?: any
An optional transition animation curve. Possible values are contained in the [AnimationCurve enumeration]( Alternatively, you can pass an instance of type UIViewAnimationCurve for iOS or android.animation.TimeInterpolator for Android.


duration?: number
The length of the transition in milliseconds. If you do not specify this, the default platform transition duration will be used.


instance?: Transition
An user-defined instance of the "ui/transition".Transition class.


name?: string
Can be one of the built-in transitions: - curl (same as curlUp) (iOS only) - curlUp (iOS only) - curlDown (iOS only) - explode (Android Lollipop(21) and up only) - fade - flip (same as flipRight) - flipRight - flipLeft - slide (same as slideLeft) - slideLeft - slideRight - slideTop - slideBottom